Financial Snapshot
Our primary goal is to build brand awareness and achieve mass adoption across both retail and institutional sectors, aiming to make Verticate a household name in the digital identity space. To achieve self-sustainability, Verticate incorporates measures to generate revenue through specific utilities of the VERT token, minting processes, and premium enterprise and retail features. The generated funds will be reinvested into the maintenance and continuous growth of Verticate.
Inherent to the design of the VERT token and its utilities, the token will be consumed upon certain uses, creating a demand for more VERT tokens. This consumption model stimulates market activity and provides liquidity, ensuring the sustainability of our ecosystem.
We aim to set up each core utility as a stand-alone entity, akin to its own business. This approach allows us to allocate resources effectively and manage each utility independently, encouraging efficiency and growth.
The substantial financial backing we're targeting will primarily be allocated towards aggressive marketing strategies and technological advancements, with a keen focus on expanding the brand's reach.
Through its intimate connection with VDI (Verticate Digital Identity), the VERT token is engineered to maintain active market circulation. As the VDI utility consumes VERT tokens, a continual demand and circulation are ensured.
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